
User roles and permissions in Glasstrail

There are four different user roles in Glasstrail, allowing you to grant different users the ability to do and see different things.

Account Admin 

Account Admin has full permission across your account, including access to Billing, Organisation and User management. Only an account admin can create new users.

When new users are created, the account admin can grant them one of the following roles:


The user has no role or access to the organisation.

Read Only

A user with the Read Only role can create notifications. Apart from that, they have read-only access to the organisation's findings and scans, and cannot make any changes.


A user with the User role can:

  • Start scans
  • Edit and change status of findings
  • Create notifications


A user with the Admin role can:

  • Add entities
  • Access Service Hub
  • Start scans
  • Edit and change status of findings
  • Create notifications

